
无障碍服务办公室的存在是为了服务, 授权, 并为学生提供住宿.

位置 & 小时


星期一-星期五, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


点击这里 去见多米尼克!

任务 & 目的

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), its amended acts and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, OAS strives to 授权 students and remove barriers to equal education by providing accommodations and disability-related services.


我们的办公室致力于 serving and 授权ing students who self-identify as having diagnosed disabilities.


  • Any physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major living activities, 比如呼吸, 走, 会说话的, 听力, 看到, 学习, 等.
  • 有这种损伤的病史,
  • 被认为有这种缺陷的.

在艾达, 个人谁可能有资格住宿包括, 但不限于, 具备以下条件的学习者:

  • 添加/多动症
  • 自闭症谱系障碍
  • 身体残疾的
  • 听力损失
  • 视力障碍 
  • 学习障碍
  • 言语及语言障碍
  • 精神健康障碍 
  • 临时残疾 
  • 创伤性脑损伤
  • 慢性和全身性健康状况 

Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis taking into account the nature and severity of the student’s disability status. The below list is by no means exhaustive but rather represents some common accommodations.

  • 延长测试和测验的时间
  • 在替代设置中进行测试
  • 用于考试监考的文本转语音软件
  • 必要时短暂休息
  • 记录讲座
  • 同伴笔记或打印笔记
  • 获得食物或水的途径
  • 使用耳塞
  • 选择文本
  • OCR笔和库兹韦尔(文本到语音)
  • USB兼容记录仪
  • And more, as we continue to expand our collection to better serve our students!



美洲国家组织由多米尼克·杜塞克监督, who is a two-time Lewis University alumna with a bachelor’s degree in writing and a master’s degree in secondary education. 在过去的十年里, Dominique has worked in academic support and public relations at Joliet Junior College, 特里顿学院和刘易斯大学. 在过去的五年里, she applied her passion for serving students with diverse needs in the co-taught classroom environment. 2023年春天, 她继续接受高等教育, joining the USF team as an academic advisor before transitioning into her current role. Dominique loves collaborating individually with students to help make higher ed spaces more student-centered and accessibility-friendly.



1) Providing current documentation of your diagnosis from a qualified medical professional.

2) Completing an intake interview with the assistant director to discuss your previous 学习 experiences and the services you may qualify for.

3) Completing the intake form containing consent to contact and confidentiality information.

4) Receiving your letters of accommodation via USF email along with your professors.

点击这里 to watch a helpful video about how to get started!

Your IEP or 504 plan from high school can be an informative form of supplemental documentation. 然而, 由合格的医疗专业人员出具的证明文件 在一个相关的领域仍然是必需的. If you have trouble accessing this information or are unsure of whether the documents you can provide would qualify as appropriate documentation, 请联系 oas@savvysuperstore.com.

An IEP or 504 plan can serve as supplemental documentation to help support your request for accommodations. 然而, students should provide documentation from a qualified medical care provider, which is current and identifies the student’s diagnosis and limitations.

Please contact OAS to request disability-specific guidelines concerning what information your medical care provider should convey. 然而,作为一般规则,你的医生报告应该……

3) provide testing information or data as to how the diagnosis was determined.
4) describe limitations or challenges related to the diagnosis.
5) identify possible accommodations to support the success of the student

Each of your instructors will receive a personal letter of accommodations via email. The letter–which you will be copied on–documents any appropriate accommodations the instructors should provide. 然而, this letter will not contain any personal, private medical information. You are always encouraged to approach your instructors discreetly to collaborate on how accommodations will be implemented within each specific course.

To ensure that you continue to receive reasonable and appropriate accommodations, you must complete an accommodation renewal form each semester and meet with the Assistant Director for a brief check-in. Accommodations will not roll over from semester-to-semester.


  • 填写住宿申请表 每年.
  • Provide documentation from a medical care provider supporting the need for specific housing accommodations. (A fillable health care provider form is available upon request!)
  • 每年与OAS会面,讨论您的住房需求.

是的! USF recognizes the value of emotional support animals and support animals in light of the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act; 然而–similar to seeking academic accommodations– there is an application process and documentation is required. Please contact the 无障碍服务办公室 for more information.

The University and the 无障碍服务办公室 supports your right to file a grievance when you believe you have been denied equal access as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)of 1990. 学生可以使用 这个链接 to the Student Complaint and Appeal Form located on the USF Portal.


