USF uses Handshake to help students and alumni discover great resources to find full-time jobs, 兼职和实习. 有超过200个,000名雇主握手, where you can view and apply for jobs and internships posted by employers, as well as sign up for employer events—such as job fairs or training—quickly and easily.
The 职业成功中心 provides both students and alumni with easy access to Handshake and USF’s job board, including the job leads being recruited for at the Career Fair. Visit the following link in order to set up a FREE account:
咖啡与职业: Coffee and Careers will run weekly while classes are in session! 过去的雇主包括联邦快递, 伊利诺伊州警察, 路德生活村, Schillings, 沃尔玛和基督教青年会. This event is free for students… contact Betty Kohl to RSVP at Cost for employers to participate is $59 for non-profit, 军事和政府机构, 营利性企业79美元. 请按此办理雇主登记.
Keep checking back for new opportunities to be posted! 联系职业成功中心 815-740-4295 or 有问题的
The 职业成功中心 is here to help you with seeking employment. Whether you live locally or out of state, you can view employment listings.
St大学. Francis and the 职业成功中心 are not responsible for safety, wages, 工作条件, 或者就业的其他方面. It is the responsibility of each individual to research the integrity of the organization(s) to which he/she is applying and verify the specific information pertaining to the job posting.
为了进入招聘板, including the job leads being recruited for at the Career Fair, please visit the following link in order to set up a FREE account:
The 职业成功中心 is here to help you with seeking employment! Whether you live locally or out of state, we’ll get you information on various opportunities.
St大学. Francis and the 职业成功中心 are not responsible for safety, wages, 工作条件, 或者就业的其他方面. It is the responsibility of each individual to research the integrity of the organization(s) to which he/she is applying and verify the specific information pertaining to the job posting.
Are you stuck on where to find an internship? Here you’ll find all the resources that the St大学. Francis 职业成功中心 offers to help you find and apply for internships in your field.
If you need further assistance or would like to make an appointment for a resume review or mock interview, contact Betty Kohl in the 职业成功中心 at 815-740-4295 or 815-740-3384, or email at
Evera Ivy
If planning to do an internship for academic credit, please meet with your academic adviser to learn more about potential credit hours and scheduling. For each credit hour earned, you, the student must work 45 hours at your internship. For example 3 credit hours require 135 hours worked.
Internships provide the opportunity for a student to integrate work and formal education with experts in his/her major field of study, 测试你选择的职业道路, and to be involved in activities like those of full-time employees.
St大学. Francis expects that the objectives of an internship be content based, 相关的技能, 在学术上实质性的, value related, and integral to the students’ academic and career path. If you need assistance developing learning objectives that align with your Internship goals, 请与你的导师沟通.
Are you stuck on where to find an internship? Here you’ll find all the resources that the St大学. Francis 职业成功中心 offers to help you find and apply for internships in your field.
If you need further assistance or would like to make an appointment for a resume review or mock interview, contact Betty Kohl in the 职业成功中心 at 815-740-4295 or
Thank you for your interest in a potential USF Intern, the 职业成功中心 is excited to assist you, here is some information to help get you started.
实习分为全职和兼职, 信用或非信用轴承, short-term, supervised, 工作经验. They can be established on or off-campus and may be paid or unpaid. 教员, 与现场主管合作, 监督学生的学习进度, 详细内容, 评估最终成果. Not included in the internship category are field work, practica, 学生教学, 临床经验, 以及独立学习经历.
Internships provide the opportunity for a student to integrate work and formal education with experts in his/her major field of study, 测试你选择的职业道路, and to be involved in activities like those of full-time employees.
St大学. Francis expects that the objectives of an internship be content based, 相关的技能, 在学术上实质性的, value related, and integral to the students’ academic and career path. If you need assistance developing learning objectives that align with your Internship goals, 请与你的导师沟通.
We offer on campus recruiting for employers both throughout the year and at our annual Career Fair. The 职业成功中心 can assist you in promoting job and internship opportunities. 请与Betty Kohl联系 815-740-4295 for more information and to book your recruiting table.
Think about if you can pay the intern, if not, you will have to offer course credit. The only organizations exempt from these requirements are government agencies and non-profits. Credit can be offered to students on a 1 credit hour basis. The number of semester hours of credit granted on an internship is dependent upon the expected learning experience, 挑战量, 暴露于野外, number and difficulty of oral and written papers and presentations, 联系或计时. The intern must meet the minimum requirement of 45 clock hours for each semester hour of credit.
Please submit a job description to our free online job database! 这是我们招聘板的链接…
联合握手:圣何塞大学. Francis使用Join Handshake平台. 如欲发布职位,请点击这里 登记你的信息.